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How Iron Deficiency Anemia affects your everyday life

How Iron Deficiency Anemia affects your everyday life

Iron Deficiency Anemia can result in a lot of unpleasant symptoms that affect your quality of life. Find out what they are.

Iron Deficiency Anemia is one of the most prevalent nutritional problems in developing countries including the Philippines. It can result in a lot of unpleasant symptoms that affect your quality of life, even if they vary in severity. 

Here are the most common symptoms of Iron Deficiency Anemia and it affects your day-to-day.

It’s normal to feel tired after a stressful and busy day at work, but if you’re constantly feeling fatigued, alongside weakness, crankiness, and difficulty in concentrating, then you might have iron deficiency anemia. It is one of the most common causes, affecting more than half of individuals who are deficient. 

Fatigue occurs when your body is deprived of hemoglobin, a protein found in red blood cells that helps carry out oxygen around the body. The body needs iron for it to be able produce hemoglobin, so a decreased supply of it means less oxygen for your tissues and muscles, making you easily tired. Aside from that, the heart also has to work harder to move more oxygen-rich blood around your body, making you have palpitations and irregular heartbeats.

Shortness of breath
As previously mentioned, hemoglobin enables your red blood cells to carry oxygen around the body. Low hemoglobin = low oxygen = low energy. In effect, your breathing rate increases as your body struggles to get more oxygen. So everyday normal tasks and movements like walking, climbing stairs, or working out can already be difficult. 

Brittle nails, dry skin and hair
When your body is iron deficient, it directs its limited oxygen to organs and other bodily functions, which are considered to be more important. So, when your nails, skin, and hair are deprived of oxygen, it becomes dry and weak.  

Dry skin can be medicated with topical body creams and lotions; however skin health starts from the inside. Hair loss has been linked to more severe cases of iron deficiency. Meanwhile, a much less common symptom is koilonychia which is when nails become more spoon-shaped. This often begins with weak nails that crack and chip easily. In later stages, the nail will start to concave and look so much more like a spoon. 

Constant headaches
Ever found yourself dizzy after a rapid change in head movement, such as turning over in bed or sitting up? Headaches are a common symptom for any other illnesses, but recurring ones may be a cause of iron deficiency. When the brain is not supplied with enough oxygen, it can cause the blood vessels to swell, causing pressure, headaches, lightheadedness, or dizziness. 

Poor mental health
Anemia is more commonly known to be a physical condition, but studies have shown a strong link between iron deficiency and mental health. If you have anemia, you’re more likely to experience other psychological symptoms including anxiety, irritability, depression, and poor concentration. 

It has also been reported that individuals with anemia are four to five times more likely to fail at performing executive functions that measure the capacity to strategize, solve problems, and assess danger. 

Help treat iron deficiency anemia with Iron + Vitamin B-Complex + Folic Acid (Hemarate FA)!
Iron + Vitamin B-Complex + Folic Acid (Hemarate FA) is a nutritional supplement for the prevention and treatment of iron-deficiency anemia and vitamin B-complex deficiencies. It contains iron, Vitamins B6 and B12 - nutrients that are necessary for healthy blood, synthesis of hemoglobin.

Take orally, one tablet daily or, as directed by a doctor.

ASC Ref No. U157P072120HS, U046P081420HS, U047P081420HS, U088P070121HS, U089P070121HS


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