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3 Reasons Why Good Skin Is in With Vitamin C and Zinc

Immunpro Gen Health

3 Reasons Why Good Skin Is in With Vitamin C and Zinc

Did you know that vitamin C and zinc may benefit skin health too?

Medically Inspected by: Roland M. Panaligan, MD

Skin experts have constantly emphasized that good-looking, clear skin always starts from within. While this goal is achievable with a healthy and balanced diet and beauty sleep, did you know that two nutrients in particular may help you in more ways than one?

You may notice that some skincare products contain either vitamin C, zinc, or both. These aren’t just for show though, as some skin experts and dermatologists point out that these can improve your skin health, particularly via these three ways.

  1. Vitamin C and zinc may help neutralize oxidative stress caused by free radicals.
    Every day, your skin may be exposed to cigarette smoke, air pollutants, chemicals, ultraviolet (UV) rays, or blue light from laptops and other devices. Prolonged exposure to these particular factors can lead to the formation of free radicals and other reactive oxygen species (ROS).

    When these free radicals multiply inside your body, these can damage your cells and lead to oxidative stress. Even worse, prolonged oxidative stress can put you at a higher risk for autoimmune, inflammatory, cardiovascular, and eye-related diseases.

    This is where vitamin C and zinc can step in, as they act as antioxidants that can fight these free radicals. For instance, when vitamin C encounters a free radical molecule, it donates an electron to the harmful substance. This causes the amount of electrons to even out and reduce the free radicals’ harmful effects.

    As for zinc, research has shown that it can influence a particular enzyme involved in glutathione synthesis and eventually help neutralize free radicals.

  1. Vitamin C and zinc may help target signs of aging.
    Wrinkles, dry and dull skin, and pigmentation - these are some of the common signs of aging that tend to worry people. These can appear because of free radical induced-damage, especially from blue light that causes cell shrinkage and death.

    One of the reasons why vitamin C is an asset in improving your skin health would be its role in synthesizing collagen. This is a protein that helps form your bones, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Research has shown that collagen may help enhance skin moisture and elasticity, while decreasing wrinkles and rough skin. By providing your body with much-needed vitamin C, you’re able to help improve collagen production and in turn, promote better skin health.

    On the other hand, studies have shown that zinc possesses anti-inflammatory abilities. As a result, this nutrient has been utilized for addressing skin conditions like acne, eczema, or rosacea that are inflammatory in nature.

  1. Vitamin C and zinc are known to help with wound healing.
    Another major skin benefit linked to vitamin C and zinc would be their potential in healing wounds. Both vitamin C and zinc were proven in studies to be involved in multiple processes linked to wound healing.

    If you’re conscious about blemishes, scars, and other “imperfections” on your skin, vitamin C and zinc may help address them. In no time, these nutrients may lead to clearer skin.

Make Strides for Your Skin Health With Sodium Ascorbate + Zinc (ImmunPro)

One of the biggest advantages of vitamin C and zinc is its availability in the food you eat. As such, feel free to add various fruits and vegetables containing these nutrients into your diet. However, for an extra assist, you can count on a high-quality supplement like Sodium Ascorbate + Zinc (ImmunPro).

Taken alongside a balanced and nutrient-rich diet and frequent exercise, Sodium Ascorbate + Zinc (ImmunPro) may help positively impact your immune and skin health due to its vitamin C (as sodium ascorbate) and zinc content.

Sodium Ascorbate + Zinc (ImmunPro) is also specially formulated with ZincPlus Tablet Technology. This particular formulation helps ensure that the vitamin C and zinc in your capsules are stable enough to be received by your body and allow your system to receive a full dose of these nutrients.

To know more about how the nutrients in Sodium Ascorbate + Zinc (ImmunPro) may aid in boosting your health, check this out.

If symptoms persist, consult your doctor.


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