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60mg of Elemental Iron: The Recommended Dose for Filipinos

60mg of Elemental Iron: The Recommended Dose for Filipinos

Here's why this amount is ideal when it comes to iron levels.

Medically Inspected by: Maria Caridad Pacheco-Purugganan, MD

Fatigue, weakness, pale skin, headaches, and/or dizziness - these are just some of the warning signs indicating that someone is “low blood” or may be suffering from Iron Deficiency Anemia. 
IDA is a condition wherein your blood has low iron stores, thus hindering its ability to carry oxygen for important bodily functions. This iron deficiency, if prolonged, can trigger some of the symptoms mentioned earlier.
If IDA is left unaddressed, this may lead to complications for your overall health such as a higher risk for infections, heart problems, and pregnancy-related issues. So before any of these particular problems affect you, take note of how you can utilize iron to your advantage to prevent these in the first place.
Who is at Risk for IDA?
Around 50% of anemia cases worldwide are related to IDA. Unfortunately, there are some groups that have a higher risk for this particular health issue. 
For instance, pregnant women are more prone to IDA because they need this mineral to produce blood for themselves and the baby, and deliver oxygen to the womb. More importantly, ensuring that there’s sufficient amounts of iron can lessen the risk for iron deficiency among children.
Women who experience menstrual cycles may be at risk for IDA too. This group tends to have lower levels of iron since they often experience blood loss through menstruation.To learn more about who are at risk for IDA, you may visit this page.
How Much Iron Do Health Experts Recommend for those with “Low Blood”?
If you are experiencing symptoms of “low blood” or Iron Deficiency Anemia, it’s always best to first consult with your doctor. This way, you can get a proper diagnosis especially if the warning signs are there. Remember that iron requirements of people with “low blood” or IDA greatly differ from those who don’t suffer from this condition. 
The World Health Organization (WHO) advises that adult women and adolescent girls who undergo regular menstrual health cycles should get 30 to 60 mg of elemental iron daily from a high-quality supplement. The Philippines’ Department of Health recommends a dosage of 60mg of elemental iron for Filipinos (males/females/adolescents/adults/pregnant) daily, with at least 400mcg of Folic Acid. (Per DOH A. O. No. 119 s. 2003)
Why the Supplement should be in Elemental Iron
But what exactly is elemental iron? This is the amount of iron found in an iron supplement that the body can absorb. Elemental iron is also the type of iron that is found inside our bodies. In return, we should pay close attention to the amount of elemental iron there is in a supplement. 
Coupled with a nutritious diet and regular exercise, taking the right amount of elemental iron may help bring back ideal iron levels, and assist with blood-related functions. More importantly, taking the right amount of elemental iron may help alleviate symptoms related to IDA.
Choose a Supplement That Helps You Meet Daily Iron Requirements 
To help alleviate the symptoms of IDA, along with proper diet and regular exercise, ask your doctor about a supplement like Iron + Folic Acid + B-Complex (Hemarate® FA). 
Just one tablet contains the recommended daily dose for Filipinos, which is 60mg of elemental iron. This supplement also has 600 mcg of folic acid that meets FDA recommendations.
Together with proper diet and exercise, it may play a big role in helping address “low blood” or IDA symptoms like dizziness (hilo), paleness (putla), and tiredness or fatigue (lata).
Iron + Folic Acid + B-Complex (Hemarate® FA) can be taken once a day, or as prescribed by your doctor. Head on over to this website to know more about the product. 
If symptoms persist or you want to know more about the importance of iron for your body, consult your doctor.
ASC Ref Code U081P111022HS

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