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Get your blood pumping


How to Prevent a Stroke Trivia

Get your blood pumping

Develop a daily exercise routine for you. Being overweight can greatly increase your chances of developing chronic health conditions which then increases your risk for stroke. Dust off your workout equipment today and get moving!

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Consult your doctor regularly


How to Prevent a Stroke Trivia

Consult your doctor regularly

Make it a habit to get your annual blood test to check if your cholesterol levels are within normal range for your age. Consider having a blood pressure meter kit at home so you can monitor your BP regularly.

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Eat clean to keep your arteries pumping


How to Prevent a Stroke Trivia

Eat clean to keep your arteries pumping

A healthy diet can lower your risk of developing plaque or fat build-up in your arteries. Infuse more whole wheat, fresh produce, and lean meats to your meals to maintain a healthy weight.

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